Order status

Hello! Here you will find the status of your order according to your order number. My turn around time is around 12 weeks but this may change at anytime and there may be delays in shipping due to Covid and getting supplies I need, also life happens sometimes and I can not control personal or family emergencies. I do apologize if there is any delays but please be patient and know that I am working on your keepsake ensuring that I spend the proper time on making it as beautiful as you envision without rushing.

Once I receive your keepsake I will begin to update status on this page, please give me a few days to update your status. Thank you!

Step One-Inclusion(s) Received:

*during this stage I have confirmed that I received your inclusion and labeled them properly 



Step Two- Preservation:*during this stage breastmilk is being preserved, I am making sure flowers are properly dried and prepared for your keepsake. All other keepsakes including ashes, umbilical stump and placenta capsules are ready to go when I receive them so you will just be waiting for the 3rd step*





Step Three- Creation:

*This is the longest step in the process, your inclusion is ready to be added to resin and put into molds to cure, in this step I am also sanding, drilling, shaping, setting and putting a clear shiny coat on your piece. This step can take several days and is the most time consuming as this is where all the magic happens! You will receive an email when your item has shipped!
